Our Mission
Nurturing our people to equip and empower all to go out to make disciples for Christ.
Called to Others
As we continue to explore the Call of God for our lives and our church during this month, we find encouragement in the Gospel of Luke, in the life of Jesus. After spending a lengthy time in the wilderness without food or water, enduring both challenging physical elements and targeted spiritual attacks (Luke 3), Jesus returned to Galilee leaving the desert behind, in the power of the Spirit (Luke 4:14). Even Jesus endured challenging times – isolated and alone, hard-pressed on every side from natural circumstances and also spiritual pressures. In the wilderness his identity was challenged, his authority was challenged and his purpose was challenged. Yet it was the Spirit who led him into the wilderness and the Spirit who led him out of it!
It is God’s Spirit who will lead us into the next season, out of the wilderness and into purpose. It is God’s Spirit who will empower and anoint us for ministry, just as Jesus declared in Luke 4:18. When we are confident in our identity, when we know who we are as sons and daughters of God, when we know who called us and respond to that call with obedience, the Holy Spirit can work with us in our humanity, empowering us for ministry and mission.
Jesus knew, just as Isaiah had declared, that his mission was to proclaim good news and set the captives free. His mission was always for others! For the lost, for the poor, for the prisoners, for the oppressed – for others. This kingdom mission, this call to others, was given by Jesus to his disciples in Matthew 28:16-20, the ‘Great Commission’. This call is also given to us, just as it was to the disciples of the early church, to go and make disciples, baptising them and teaching them to obey the commandments of Christ. As disciples of Christ, our call is part of God’s kingdom mission, and his call has always been a call to others. May we know who we are in Christ, called according to his purpose, and may we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us as we go into the world, loving and serving others.